May 21, 2011


It seems we often hear the term really CSS, but for the layman on the world wide web and the Internet as we are definitely confused, or even a lot that does matter what it is CSS. Actually, if we have a profile on Facebook and we often ngotak-ngatik view our profile, it means we've directly connected with the name CSS.
CSS works as a complement to HTML, so to understand CSS at least we should know a little about HTML. Cascading Style Sheets is a technology used to beautify the appearance of web pages (sites). In short by using this CSS Methode you easily change the overall color and appearance that is on your site, as well as reformatting your site (changing rapidly). CSS also allows the creator of the web to modify the HTML to create the look of a website. So if we are architects, then the HTML and CSS are the building interior and exterior design. Web without CSS like vegetables without salt.

So what's the style sheet (css) it really? what purpose exactly? and how do you use?

CSS was introduced to the development of websites in 1996. CSS name derived from the fact that each different style declarations can be placed in sequence, which then will form a parent-child relationship in every style. After standardized CSS, Internet Explorer and Netscape's latest browser release those who have been appropriate or at least close to the CSS standard. CSS is a stand-alone document and can be included in the HTML code or just becoming a referral by the HTML in defining style. CSS uses a structured codes to define styles in an HTML element or can also be used to make a new style which is called class. CSS can change the text size, change the background color on a page, or can also change the border color on the table, and many more things that can be done by CSS. In short, CSS is used to adjust the order of appearance on the HTML page.

CSS can be used to replace,, and, due to the following:

css file can be a reference to many HTML pages. It only takes one line of code to do so. This means that will minimize file2 HTML that will be created. If you want to change the look of the website has been created, hence the need to do is replace the lines of code in css its course, without the need to tamper with its HTML files. CSS can set many attributes on a page easily. For example: the background color, border, shadow, different on each tag is used.

One of several technological prowess and css this is the reason many people like the user is allow us to define a global style sheet that can apply css rules to the entire HTML documents on your web site pages. The advantage is clear, if we want to change the look of the site, we just edit one file only.

Ok, that's roughly like CSS to work decorating the interior and exterior of our virtual house.

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